Community Guidelines | Interconnect Cafe
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Community Guidelines

For Use of Interconnect Cafe Products & Services


Rules of Networking Cafe Sessions

  1. Please be respectful of different cultures and be intuitive when addressing tough topics, we are building a community of connection and encouragement.

  2. We recommend you share your social media contact details (only) in the networking cafe sessions. Preferably Instagram handle, to help maintain your privacy and absolute choice to be connected with outside of Interconnect Cafe.

  3. Only reach out to those who were in your breakout room, and if you do wish to connect with anyone from the networking cafe session. Please drop them a message through social media only after requesting them individually for their details.

  4. We are working constantly to make sure this is a safe space for young minds, so please be wary and cautious with connections outside of the cafe’s virtual walls. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and/or monitor and guide your child/wards online activity actively. Please teach your wards of healthy practices of online/internet consumption as well how to guard themselves, their identity, and their privacy against malicious internet forces. 

  5. Please note, these Networking Cafe Sessions are only temporarily recorded and then deleted after 7 days - by signing up to be on a Cafe Session on this platform, you consent to this guideline of information collection and storage.

  6. All registrants (young adults in case of Youth Cafe Networking Sessions) must be clear of any extreme mental wellbeing issues and not have a prior or existing criminal or rehabilitation history and/or record, at the time of registration. 



Community Guidelines

When you use Interconnect Cafe’s Products or Services, you agree to abide by the following rules at all times. You also agree not to encourage others to violate these rules. The latter is taken seriously and can also result in removal from the Service.


  • You must use a real name or identity on the service.

    • Interconnect Cafe is for real people. The name you use on your profile should be the name you use in real life. That way you know who you’re talking to and authentic, respectful conversation can thrive.

    • We may ask you to verify your identity. We may suspend your activity or ask you to change your profile name if you are in violation of the real name policy.

    • We prohibit any attempt to impersonate any person or entity, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.


  • This platform caters to Young Adults (Ages 16, 17 and 18), if this does not meet the legal age in your country - we recommend that a consenting adult sign up on your behalf to Interconnect Cafe’s Products and Services. 

    • If you are not of legal consenting age and/or do not have a representative (and consenting) adult who takes responsibility for the young adult’s behavior on the Interconnect Cafe platform, you are in violation of Interconnect Cafe’s Terms and Policies.

    • We prohibit any attempt to impersonate an adult signup or registration, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity.

    • We may ask you to verify your age, In cases of users (young adults) and representative adults. We may suspend your activity if you are in violation of the age policy.


  • You may not engage in abuse, bullying, or harassment of any person or groups of people.

    • Abuse is any attempt to bully, harass, or intimidate someone. Bullying is offensive, intimidating, insulting, or malicious behavior, or an abuse or misuse of power intended to undermine, humiliate, or injure the victim. Harassment is unwanted, unwelcomed, and uninvited behavior that is demeaning, threatening, or offensive and results in a hostile environment.

    • A hostile environment is one in which the behavior is enduring and pervasive enough that a reasonable person would consider it intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Harassing behavior includes, but is not limited to, offensive jokes, ridicule or mockery, derogatory comments, slurs, lewd propositions, visual insults, and derogatory images.


  • You may not discriminate against, engage in hateful conduct directed at, or threaten violence or harm against any person or groups of people.

    • Discrimination is the unfair treatment of any individual or a group of individuals as a result of, but not limited to, race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, genetic information, or any status protected by law.

    • Hateful conduct includes violence and attacks directed at individuals or groups of individuals on the basis of the characteristics defined above. 

    • We prohibit threats of violence or harm against any individual or group of individuals, and attempt to glorify violence in any form of media or communication.

    • We prohibit all forms of terrorism or violent extremism, and the existence of accounts or registration for the purpose of furthering violent or extremist ideologies or activities.


  • You may not share, threaten to share, or incentivize the sharing of other people's private information without their prior permission.

    • The sharing of a person's private information online without their consent is sometimes referred to as "doxxing" and is not allowed.

    • In determining the severity of a violation, we examine the type of information being shared, whether that information is private or public and has already been shared elsewhere online, the person sharing it, and the intent of the action.


  • You may not engage in intentionally disruptive activity that negatively affects the experience of other users.

    • Intentionally disruptive activity, includes, but is not limited to, making unrelated, off-topic comments that may include profane, vulgar, abusive or hateful statements. This type of activity may also be known as trolling.

    • We have a zero-tolerance policy for this activity; accounts in violation may be permanently suspended and may not be allowed to use our product and service any further.


  • You may not transcribe, record, or otherwise reproduce and/or share information obtained in Interconnect Cafe without prior permission.

    • We prohibit the transcribing, recording, or otherwise reproducing, manipulating, and / or sharing of information (e.g., audio or screen recording) obtained in Interconnect Cafe, without the express authorization / permission of Interconnect Cafe and all users that originated this content.

    • While screenshots (images only) are not explicitly against our TOS, we reserve the right to limit or suspend any user’s service access that utilizes them in a way that violates our Terms of Service (e.g., directed abuse or hate towards a user).


  • You may not engage in any conversations or upload any content that violates any intellectual property or other proprietary rights.

    • You must adhere to all property, copyright, and trademark laws.

    • We reserve the right to suspend or remove users that may be in violation.

    • All original content that a user shares in Interconnect Cafe is owned by that user alone.


  • You may not spread false information or spam, or artificially amplify or suppress information.

    • We prohibit the spread of or attempts to spread false information or news.

    • Fake incident report submissions or intentional, false reports of a Rule violation are a violation of this Rule.

    • We prohibit the artificial amplification or suppression of information and any attempts to manipulate the platform to enable this.

    • We prohibit the propagation of "spam," which is generally irrelevant or unsolicited messages shared to other users. Spam can include but is not limited to sending unwanted or inappropriate messages to users during Interconnect Cafe sessions.


  • You may not share or promote information (or synthetic or manipulated media) that is intended or likely to cause harm to any person or groups of people.

    • We prohibit the posting and sharing of media that includes excessive gore or themes of sexual violence, child sexual exploitation, or other forms of violence or adult content.

    • We prohibit the use or promotion of "synthetic" or manipulated media that is intended or likely to cause harm.

    • We prohibit the posting of content that contains full or partial nudity, graphic sexual content, profane statements, or other offensive content.


  • You may not use the service for the purpose of conducting any unauthorized or illegal activities.

    • We prohibit the use of our service for the purpose of conducting illegal activities, including but not limited to the promotion or sale of illegal goods and services.

    • We prohibit the use of our service, directly or indirectly, for the solicitation, sale, or purchase of any goods or services not specifically authorized.

    • We prohibit the use of scam tactics to solicit money or private financial information.

    • We prohibit the encouragement or promotion of acts of self-harm or suicide.

    • We prohibit any solicitation of minors, as well as the sharing of suggestive, sexual, mature, graphic, abusive, or otherwise inappropriate content with them.

    • We prohibit intentional threats to the Interconnect Cafe platform.

    • We prohibit intentional threats to the privacy or security of user accounts or to Interconnect Cafe’s employees, interns, staff, or partners. This includes, but is not limited to, unwanted attempts to contact Interconnect Cafe’s employees, interns, staff, or partners via personal channels including personal email addresses, phone numbers, in-person visits, or via other unauthorized or invasive methods. Attempts to do so will constitute a Rule violation and may be escalated to law enforcement.


If you witness a Rules violation during Networking Cafe Sessions, please follow the instructions below to report it.


  1. Please make sure to report the violation of the Interconnect Cafe Session as provided herein. We do this with the sole intent to maintain or regulate safety and solely for security purposes and we will erase these recorded sessions past the seven-day mark. You have a period of seven (7) calendar days to raise any grievance regarding harassment or violations or if someone is not abiding by the community guidelines, since the recorded history is maintained only for seven (7) calendar days. If you raise such a grievance within the stipulated time window of seven (7) calendar days, then We shall endeavor to try and resolve such grievance, by highlighting such violation or noncompliance to the persons responsible and report the same to you as expeditiously as possible. You agree and acknowledge that our endeavor to redress such noncompliance or violation by any of the other Users, is solely to ensure compliance with terms/community guidelines,  and we are not personally responsible nor liable for any damages/costs/compensation arising out of such violations/noncompliances at any point in time, whether during or post use of our Website/Product/Services by You either as a consenting Guardian or Parent or child/ward.  Any grievance beyond such a period of 7 days will not be entertained or shall not apply as we will not have a record or proof of such sessions beyond such period, as more particularly mentioned in our User Terms (hyperlink) and Privacy Policy (hyperlink). 

  2. Please email us a detailed account of the issue to within the stipulated period of 7 days. 

  3. Upon receiving a legitimate complaint or grievance, we will use our best efforts to redress your issue or remove the parties involved in the issue, at our sole discretion. We shall act on such grievances within a maximum period of 15 days from the date you have raised a complaint or grievance within the identified period of 7 calendar days. However, we are not under obligation to address such grievances and the same will be solely to maintain the safety and wellbeing of the community. Any decision taken by the Interconnect Cafe team shall be full and final and you are disclaimed from raising any challenge/contest/claims therewith.


If you witness a Rules violation in Membership Area, please follow the instructions below to report it.


  1. Please email us a detailed account of the issue to within screenshots when and where possible.

  2. Upon receiving a legitimate complaint or grievance, we will use our best efforts to redress your issue or remove the parties involved in the issue, at our sole discretion. We shall act on such grievances within a maximum period of 7-15 days from the date you have raised a complaint. However, we are not under obligation to address such grievances and the same will be solely to maintain the safety and wellbeing of the community. Any decision taken by the Interconnect Cafe team shall be full and final and you are disclaimed from raising any challenge/contest/claims therewith.


Applicability and Interpretation

These Community Guidelines shall be read and construed to be co-terminus with the Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service. The said guidelines, compliances hereof, and interpretation of the same shall be read with the relevant sections of the Terms of Service and/or Privacy Policy as regards applicable laws or otherwise. 


Date of Latest Revision: December 13th, 2021

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